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电话: 0577-65360258
姓名: Kevin xie
Wenzhou Chuanchi Vehicle Fittings Co.,Ltd.

  Founded in 1989, Wenzhou Chuanchi Vehicle Fittings Co., Ltd. is located in Rui'an City of Zhejiang Province -- the Capital of Automobiles and Motorcycles. We are specialized in manufacturing fuel sensors for cars and motorbikes, and we have more than 10-year experience in this field. Our products have been tested and authenticated by the State Technical Supervision Department. Chuanchi Enterprise strictly abides by the business idea of "Succeed by Quality, Customer Satisfaction, People Or

主要产品/业务: specialized in auto Fuel tank gauge,fuel level sensor,fuel tank float,fuel sender,fuel gauge sensor

Wenzhou Chuanchi Vehicle Fittings Co.,Ltd. / 浙江 / 浙江省 温州市 瑞安市 塘下镇浙江省瑞安市塘下镇官渎工业区(温州川驰机车部件有限公司) (325204) / 电话:0577-65360258

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